Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Autonomy celebration 2008

Zwischen Segatanz...- Between Sega dance...Und obligatorischer Parade....-
And the never missing parade ...
...war diese Autonomiefeier am 12.10.2008 ein großes Ereignis, das Stadion in Camp du Roi war voll, die Menschen guter Dinge, die Reden der Politiker nicht allzu lang..., zum ersten Mal dabei der neue von Mauritius eingesetzte Minister für Rodrigues, James David Burty, rechts neben Chefkommissar Johnson Roussety.... -
...was this year's edition of the Autonomy Celebration party on October 12 a big event, the stadium in Camp du Roi was crowded, the visitors in really good mood, the speeches of the officials not too long..., for the first time here as newly appointed Minister for Rodrigues: James David Burty, beside Chief Commissioner Johnson Roussety(left)....
...und das Wetter, ja das war einfach traumhaft!
...and the weather, yes, that was just marvellous!

Photo credits: James Castel/RRA, some more pics will be added in the album:Some days in October - Oktobertage...

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