Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009

A message for Zac....

Some of you mentioned him already in the comments of last week (Hi Dumba!)....

That's Zac Sunderland, the young circumnavigator who had an unplanned stop in Rodrigues last year in November, and who set out to become the world's youngest circumnavigator as he started at age 16.We haven't checked on him for a while but he is well and heading now to Panama, after a stop in Grenada. Before arriving there he had some trouble with his radar and as during his stop in Mauritius some work on his boat Intrepid had to be carried out there too.And that's Alex, the young Mauritian from S/Y Avocet. Talking about the other yachts calling at Port Mathurin in the past, it turned out that he met Zac last year in Mauritius. So here is his message for Zac:

Hi Zac,

A little Hello from Rodrigues where I am prepari
ng a trip around the world. Looks like I got contaminated. No record breaking but the same will for adventure! Anyway keep strong and we might catch up some day somewhere! Enjoy...

Alex (from the Beach House in Grand Baie)
So hope, Zac will get Alex' message soon, for all who would like to follow his last part of the trip back home (which will not take a long time anymore!!) or who would like to read about what happened until now, please check Zac's blog which is always an interesting read even for people not into sailing...

You find as well a couple of entries about Zac here in the blog when you visit the November and December archive ....

Photo credits: Zac Sunderland's blog
Today just in English..., sorry for not translating...

1 Kommentar:

  1. Das ist wieder einer dieser Beiträge, die die Sehnsucht in mir wecken, einfach aufzubrechen nach neuen Ufern. Wenn ich doch nur gut genug segeln könnte, um mich auf ein vergleichbares Abenteuer zu wagen.
    Ich wünsche der Advocet und ihrem Skipper alles Gute für sein Unterfangen.

