Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2009

Ile Hermitage - BBQ & Fun

So präsentiert sich die Ile Hermitage normalerweise, eine kleine Insel im Süden, inmitten einer gigantischen Lagune. Nur 3 Mal kamen Segler in den letzten Jahren von Port Mathurin hierher, um weitab vom ülichen Betrieb, ein paar ruhige Tage zu verbringen.-

That is how Ile Hermitage looks usually, a little island in the south of Rodrigues inmidst a gigantic lagoon. In the past, only 3 times sailing yachts came here from Port Mathurin to spend a couple of days in tranquility, compared to the usual huzzle in the capital. Es ist wirklich ruhig hier, gerade mal ein paar Fischer, die ihre Fischreusen einholen, die hier 'casiers' genannt werden...-

It's quiet here, just a few fishermen collecting their weirs, "casiers" as they are called here...
Während wir z.T. noch dabei sind zu ankern, sind die ersten geschäftigen Hände bereits dabei, alles für den späteren Barbecue-Abend auf Hermitage vorzubereiten...-

While we all were anchoring, some busy hands on Hermitage were already setting up everything for the BBQ later in the evening...
Das Übersetzen mit dem Dinghy im Dunkeln hatte was, die Lagune war etwas aufgewühlt und obwohl es nur eine kurze Distanz zur Insel war, fühlte es sich gleich angenehmer an, anzukommen, wo die Party schon in vollem Gange war...-

Setting over by dinghy in the dark, although only a short distance, was somewhat an experience, the lagoon was a bit rough, so it was a good feeling to arrive where the party was already in full swing...Here just a few pics from the evening...Tory Elshove & Piet Hein from S/Y Double Dutch (South Africa) who got lots of kisses for borrowing me that yellow wind and weather gear...Hideshige Seki from S/Y Polaire (Japan), Anthony Burice from S/Y Grain de Sable (UK) & Phillippe Thiebaut, guest on S/Y Mary Ann but belonging to our crew on Polaire for this regatta....(And guess who is the yellow person in the back ...) Manuel from Rodrigues, local crew member on S/Y Mary Ann together with Stephane Gosselin ( same boat)...The long smiling guy beside our Japanese friend is John from Australia, his boat S/Y Millenium was the winner of the first leg...The nice lady in white is Nat Sukanya from Thailand, crew member of Millenium, the lady in blue is Duan Chomnguluean, also from Thailand but crew member of the French boat S/Y Hirondelle...Beside lots of food (thanks to Sylvestre), drinks and exchange there was music too, provided by local musicians (here Miko on the guitar) ......and guests...William, who joined Hirondelle for the regatta instead of his own boat S/Y Anuska, turned out to be just great on the trumpet! It was an unforgettable morning only few were getting busy early...

Photo credits: Erich Ruchti(1-btw, this pic of Hermitage has been chosen by google earth), S/Y Mary Ann (2,3), the rest was taken by Hide, me or even others - Thanks for sharing!

2 Kommentare:

  1. wow, I have just looked over your last 4 or so posts regarding the Rodrigues Cup..oh man, that looks like fun....and how wonderful to meet so many sailors from the world over. I'm living vicariously through you....
    great photos too


  2. Looks like a great party. Wish I could have been there. And really, so very, very international. I'm begining to regard your island as the true crossroads of the world.
