Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009


Shapirit ist ein hebräisches Wort und bedeutet Libelle....
"..... Libellula fluviatilis genannt werden, da sein Körperbau einem Meeresfisch ähnelt, der Zygaena oder Libella heißt. Er hat die Form einer Wasserwaage, wie sie die Architekten verwenden, und wird in Italien auch Hammerfisch genannt. Jenes Tier ist sehr klein, hat die Form eines ‚T‘ oder einer Wasserwaage, besitzt aber auf jeder Seite drei Beine. Der Schwanz endet in drei grünen Spitzen, mit deren Hilfe das Tier schwimmt.

Shapirit is a Hebrew word meaning dragonfly, due to their body shape similar to a fish called Zygaena or Libella,they were first called Libellula fluviatilis . Its' form of a spirit-level as used in architecture and their capability of swimming due to their tail, makes them an ideal namesake for boats too. Das ist die S/Y Shapirit, sie hat zwar keine 3 Beine auf jeder Seite, aber ihrem Ruf getreu bezüglich ihrer Balance im Wasser, kann sie es ohne weiteres mit der Libellula fluviatilis aufnehmen.

Die Shapirit begann ihre Reise im November 2007 in Singapore, Rodrigues stand eigentlich nicht auf dem Plan, doch die Piraterie-Aktivitäten um die Seychellen herum, wo sie eigentlich Station machen wollten, ließen Ronnie und Dror nach Chagos unsere Insel ansteuern...

Dror , the son, who joins his father Ronnie from time to time

Read here their entry in James Waterstone's Rodrigues' visitors book

Voyage began November 2007, Singapore

Mission: To cross each line of longitude,at least once, Sailing from East to West

In our Hebrew Language we have a saying:"No EVIL is without some accoampanying Good"

Our original plan was to proceed from from Chagos to Seychelles. Due to increased piracy activities round Seychelles we changed course and headed towards Rodrigues.For this wonderful outcome we are most grateful.

The island is charming, the hospitality heartwarming and after 18 months in rice eating countries , the smell of fresh baguettes every morning for breakfast is a mouthwatering reminder of our wheat-eating roots...

The dedicated task of recording the visiting boats and their crews by James and Birgit is a wonderful undertaking and definetly enhances the feeling there are still people out there who care. (...)

Aber Baguettes-Essen und das Schreiben charmanter Kommentare über unsere Insel ins Gästebuch von James waren nicht die einzigen Aktivitäten von Ronnie und Dror. Sie besuchten auch die Reserve Francois Leguat, eines unserer beliebtesten Inselziele, wo sie die Bekanntschaft mit Schildkröte No.141 machten, die nun einen richtigen Namen und ein echtes Zertifikat über ihre Adoption nachweisen kann...-

But eating baguettes and writing charming entries about our island was not the only activity af Ronnie and Dror. There also went to one of our most popular spots on the island, the Reserve Francois Leguat, and there they met tortoise No.141, now having a real name as been adopted properly...
Dieses kleine Kerlchen mit Namen Jonathan und Ronnies Enkel machte es möglich, und da er wegen wichtiger Angelegenheiten zu Hause nicht abkömmlich war, wurden die Adoptionsformalitäten von Opa Ronnie erledigt...- this little guy, hearing on the name of Jonathan and being the grand-son of Ronnie. As Jonathan could not carry out the adoption formalities himself due to important business at home :), it was his grand-dad Ronnie ......der No.141 auf den Namen Avram taufte, die hebräische Form für Abraham. 'Vater vieler Nationen', ein guter Name und äußerst passend für eine 80-90 jährige weitgereiste männliche Schildkröte, mit 183 kg übrigens auch die zweitschwerste im Park...-

...baptising No. 141 - Avram, the Hebrew form for Abraham, meaning father of many nations, a good name and very convenient for a 80 to 90 years old tortoise with traveling experience, and, by the way, with 183 kg the second heaviest male tortoise in the reserve...

As Ronnie and Dror have already left our island in the meantime, we wish them all the best and promise to keep an eye on Avram...And sure, we really hope to see one day as well little foster father Jonathan in person on our island! As to his grand-father Ronnie and Dror, it was a pleasure for us having you here. Shalom to you and that the winds are always with you!

Photo credits: Gilad Benari(Libelle) und Ronnie Shapiro

4 Kommentare:

  1. Inspiring post! Thanks for sharing this story.

  2. By the way, I had no idea you had a tortoise reserve on your island. Cool! Maybe you could do a little post about it someday.

  3. Dear Dostoy,
    There had been already some postings in the past, I will have to search the links, there is also a photo album called 'All about Nene' on the picasa site, just click beneath the slide show and then you will find all the different albums posted in connection to the Rodrigues blog!The Nene album is about my adopted tortoise and the background concerning the creation of the reserve.

    And sure , there will come more about Nene, Avram and all the other tortoises.I love this project and I really love these tortoises!

    Thank you so much for your comments!


  4. Wonderful....I can't decide which I like better...meeting a curcumnavigator or meeting a grand tortoise. Very fun, thank you!
