Dienstag, 3. November 2020

Trump & The Virus (Just for the records)

Only a couple of hours until there are elections in the US. The last 4 years have been sort of a torture for those with the idea that a president should be a reasonable person with character and charisma, able to unite his people in difficult and demanding times and use his power diplomatically concerning international topics, crisis and global challenges.

 source "The Week", in April 2020



07.10.2020,  "POV"my favourite Mauritian cartoonist from "l'express" 


Also found on 07.10.2020

"I was tested positive, more positive than anybody else. A great virus!The doctors are surprised, how positive I am.More positive than any other in the history of who has ever been tested positive before."

 He could have said it, couldn't he?

A "positive" president working...


"Do not be afraid!"



Just yesterday in Florida....

If Donald Trump had been the captain of the Titanic

10.00pm There is no such thing as an iceberg

10.30pm We will not meet an iceberg
11.40pm  I knew it was an iceberg before anybody else knew

11.42pm  The crew spreads fake news about icebergs
11.45pm We can't allow an iceberg to stop our vessel
11.50pm Nobody knows icebergs better than me
11.53pm The penguins brought the iceberg here
00.01am Noone could have predicted the iceberg

00.10am Some of you must drown

01.30am I am the world's best captain, you can ask that anyone

If you ask me, high time to change the captain!

November2, 2020

9,567,543 total cases of Covid -19 cases in the US

88,905 new infections alone on November 2

236,997 total deaths

522 deaths only on November2

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