A pic from the past, posted on facebook in April 2020 after all PCR tests came back negative....
576 Tage, gerechnet ab 01.März letzten Jahres, gab es nicht einen einzigen nachgewiesenen Fall von COVID-19 in Rodrigues. Diese Zeiten sind nun vorbei. Seit Freitag haben auch wir unseren ersten Fall und seit gestern unseren zweiten. Mehr dazu weiter unten im Post.-
576 days from March 1st last year, there was not a single registered case of COVID-19 in Rodrigues. Those days are over now. We have had our first case since Friday and a second one since yesterday evening. More on this further down in the post.
À 576 jours du 1er mars de l'année dernière, il n'y a pas eu un seul cas avéré de COVID-19 à Rodrigues. Ces jours sont fini maintenant. Nous avons eu notre premier cas depuis vendredi et un deuxième depuis hier soir. Plus à ce sujet plus bas dans ce post.
COVID-19 Pressekonferenz, 08.10.2021
Der Minister für Gesundheit und Wellness, Dr. Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal, gab heute Nachmittag bei der Pressekonferenz des Nationalen Kommunikationsausschusses zu COVID-19 am Sitz seines Ministeriums Port-Louis folgendes bekannt:
Die Sequenzierungsübung wird weiterhin regelmäßig durchgeführt, um die Situation im Land genau zu beobachten, und in diesem Zusammenhang wurden 32 Proben mit lokalen positiven Fällen zwischen dem 06. September 2021 und dem 28. September 2021 zur Untersuchung geschickt.
Dr. Jagutpal erklärte, dass 29 der 32 zum Testen eingesandten Proben dieselbe Variante, nämlich B 1.1.318, enthielten, während bei den restlichen drei Proben die Delta-Variante B1.617.2 nachgewiesen wurde. Die Patienten, bei denen die Delta-Variante festgestellt wurde, sowie Personen, die mit ihnen in Kontakt standen, seien alle geimpft und asymptomatisch, betonte der Minister.
Darüber hinaus gab Dr. Jagutpal einen Überblick über die laufende Impfkampagne und wies darauf hin, dass bis heute etwa 873.817 Personen ihre erste Dosis des COVID-19-Impfstoffs erhalten haben, was 69 % der Gesamtbevölkerung entspricht, während etwa 824.665 Personen bereits eine Impfung erhalten haben. Vollständig geimpft sind 65 % der Gesamtbevölkerung. Darüber hinaus wurden etwa 5.094 Personen mit ihrer dritten Dosis geimpft, während 1.397 Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren bereits ihre erste Dosis des Pfizer-Impfstoffes erhalten haben.
In Bezug auf Rodrigues gab der Minister an, dass 24.194 Personen ihre erste Dosis des COVID-19-Impfstoffs erhalten haben, was 55 % der Bevölkerung entspricht, während die Zahl der vollständig geimpften Personen bei 23.526 (54 % der Bevölkerung) liegt.
In Agalega seien 1.176 Personen geimpft worden, darunter Einwohner, Beamte der Outer Island Development Corporation und ausländische Arbeiter, fügte er hinzu.
Der Gesundheitsminister sprach ferner über die Situation in Bezug auf lokale positive Fälle im Land. Diese Woche wurden insgesamt 455 Fälle von COVID-19-Patienten gemeldet, von denen die meisten geimpft sind und sich selbst isolieren. Im ENT-Krankenhaus halten sich derzeit 28 Patienten auf, von denen zwei künstlich beatmet werden; etwa 20 Patienten werden mit Sauerstoff versorgt; und sechs Patienten werden aufgrund ihres Gesundheitszustands überwacht.
Er gab an, dass im September 2.645 positive Fälle festgestellt wurden, von denen 1.873 Patienten asymptomatisch sind und sich selbst isolieren. Dr. Jagutpal betonte auch, dass während der Woche 19 Todesfälle auf COVID-19 zurückgeführt wurden, von denen 16 nicht geimpft waren und die restlichen mehrere Begleiterkrankungen aufwiesen.
Darüber hinaus gab Dr. Jagutpal an, dass sich derzeit 105 Passagiere in Quarantänezentren befinden. Einige dieser Passagiere werden zu den äußeren Inseln wie Agalega und Rodrigues reisen, betonte er.
Neun positive Fälle wurden seit der Wiederöffnung der Grenzen auch bei Passagieren festgestellt und seien derzeit asymptomatisch und selbstisolierend, fügte er hinzu.
In Bezug auf die Mauritier, die zu Studien- oder Pilgerzwecken ins Ausland reisen, betonte der Gesundheitsminister, dass der COVID-19-Impfausschuss Protokolle fertigstellt, damit sie sich mit den von den jeweiligen Reiseländern erforderlichen Impfstoffen impfen lassen können.
Le ministre de la Santé et du Bien-être, Dr Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal, a fait l'annonce suivante, cet après-midi, lors du point de presse du Comité national de communication sur le COVID-19, au siège de son ministère, à Port-Louis :
Trente-deux échantillons comprenant des cas locaux positifs entre le 06 septembre 2021 et le 28 septembre 2021 ont été envoyés pour séquençage pour le mois de septembre. L'exercice de séquençage est toujours mené régulièrement afin de suivre de près la situation dans le pays. Le Dr Jagutpal a déclaré que 29 des 32 échantillons envoyés pour les tests ont révélé la même variante qui est B 1.1.318 tandis que les trois autres sont la variante Delta B1.617.2. Les patients ayant été détectés avec la variante Delta ainsi que les personnes qui ont été en contact avec eux ont tous été vaccinés et asymptomatiques, a souligné le ministre.
En outre, le Dr Jagutpal a donné un aperçu de la campagne de vaccination en cours et a indiqué qu'à ce jour, quelque 873 817 personnes ont déjà reçu leur première dose du vaccin COVID-19, ce qui représente 69 % de la population en général, tandis que quelque 824 665 personnes ont déjà été complètement vaccinés, qui représentent 65% de la population totale.
En outre, quelque 5 094 personnes ont été vaccinées avec leur troisième dose tandis que 1 397 adolescents de moins de 18 ans ont déjà reçu leur première dose de vaccins Pfizer, a-t-il déclaré.
En ce qui concerne Rodrigues, le ministre a indiqué que 24 194 personnes ont reçu leur première dose du vaccin COVID-19, soit 55 % de la population, alors que le nombre de personnes entièrement vaccinées s'élève à 23 526 (54 % de la population).
A Agalega, 1 176 personnes, dont des habitants, des agents de l'Outer Island Development Corporation et des travailleurs étrangers, ont été vaccinées, a-t-il ajouté.
Le ministre de la Santé a également évoqué la situation des cas positifs locaux dans le pays. Un total de 455 cas de patients COVID-19 ont été signalés cette semaine, dont la plupart sont vaccinés et s'auto-isolent.
Vingt-huit patients sont actuellement admis au nouvel hôpital ORL dont deux sous ventilation artificielle ; une vingtaine de patients sont sous oxygénothérapie ; et six patients sont suivis en raison de leur état de santé.
Il a déclaré que 2 645 cas positifs ont été détectés au cours du mois de septembre, dont 1 873 patients sont asymptomatiques et auto-isolants.
Le Dr Jagutpal a également souligné qu'au cours de la semaine, 19 décès ont été attribués au COVID-19, dont 16 n'ont pas été vaccinés et les autres présentaient plusieurs comorbidités.
De plus, le Dr Jagutpal a déclaré qu'il y a actuellement 105 passagers dans les centres de quarantaine. Certains de ces passagers voyageront vers des îles extérieures telles qu'Agalega et Rodrigues, a-t-il souligné.
Neuf cas positifs ont également été détectés parmi les passagers depuis la réouverture des frontières et sont actuellement asymptomatiques et auto-isolants, a-t-il ajouté.
En ce qui concerne ceux qui voyageront à l'étranger à des fins d'études ou de pèlerinage, le ministre de la Santé a souligné que le comité de vaccination COVID-19 est en train de finaliser des protocoles afin de leur permettre de se faire vacciner par les vaccins requis par les pays respectifs où ils voyageront.
Die Insel Rodrigues ist nach der Entdeckung eines ersten Covid-19-Falls in Aufruhr. Einzelheiten wurden von den rodriguischen Behörden während einer Pressekonferenz am Samstag, den 9. Oktober, bekannt gegeben. Der Patient ist ein 63-jähriger Mann mit einem vollständigen Impfzyklus.
„Er hat am Mittwoch seinen PCR-Test in Mauritius gemacht, der negativ war. Also durfte er das Flugzeug nehmen. Am Flughafen zeigte er keine Symptome. Bei seiner Ankunft wurde er mit den anderen Passagieren unter Quarantäne gestellt. Während des Tests des Rapid Response Teams wurde er positiv getestet “, erklärte der Direktor des Gesundheitszentrums Mont-Lubin. Dem Diabetiker gehe es gut.
Auf der Ebene der Rodrigues-Kommission ist die Botschaft klar. "Sie müssen sich so schnell wie möglich impfen lassen, und es ist wichtig, die Barrieregesten zu respektieren", erklärte Gesundheitskommissar Simon-Pierre Roussety.
Letzterer machte deutlich, dass das Land nicht für immer geschlossen bleiben kann. Er gab an, dass 24.000 Erwachsene oder 55% der Bevölkerung geimpft wurden. Eine nächste Impfstofflieferung wird in den kommenden Tagen in Rodrigues erwartet.-
Rodrigues Island is in turmoil after the discovery of a first case of Covid-19. Details were given by the Rodriguan authorities during a press conference this Saturday, October 9.
The patient is a 63 year old male with a complete immunization cycle. “He did his PCR test in Mauritius on Wednesday and was negative. So he was allowed to take the plane. At the airport, he was not showing any symptoms. On his arrival, he was placed in quarantine with the other passengers. It was during the test carried out by the Rapid Response Team that he tested positive, ”explained the director of the Mont-Lubin health center. The patient, who is diabetic, is doing well.
At the level of the Rodrigues Commission, the message is clear. "You have to get vaccinated as soon as possible and it is essential to respect the barrier gestures" declared Simon-Pierre Roussety, the Commissioner for Health. The latter made it clear that the country will not be able to remain closed forever. He claims that 24,000 adults, or 55% of the population, have been vaccinated. A next shipment of vaccine is expected in Rodrigues in the coming days. -
L’île Rodrigues est en émoi après la découverte d’un premier cas de Covid-19. Les détails ont été donnés par les autorités rodriguaises lors d'une conférence de presse ce samedi 9 octobre.
Le patient est un homme âgé de 63 ans avec un cycle vaccinal complet. «Il a fait son test PCR à Maurice mercredi et était négatif. Donc, il a eu la permission de prendre l’avion. A l’aéroport, il ne présentait aucun symptôme. A son arrivée, il a été placé en quarantaine avec les autres passagers. C'est lors du test effectué par la Rapid Response Team qu'il a été testé positif» a expliqué la directrice du centre ee Santé de Mont-Lubin. Le patient, qui est diabétique, se porte bien.
Au niveau de la Commission de Rodrigues, le message est clair. «Il faut se faire vacciner au plus vite et il est primordial de respecter les gestes barrières» a déclaré Simon-Pierre Roussety, le Commissaire à la santé. Ce dernier a fait comprendre que le pays ne pourra pas rester éternellement fermé. Il avance que 24 000 adultes, soit 55% de la population, ont été vaccinés. Une prochaine cargaison de vaccin est attendue à Rodrigues dans les prochains jours.
Kurzer Rückblick. Seit dem 10. März 2021 wurden einige Rückführungsflüge durchgeführt. Etwa 760 Personen wurden bislang repatriiert.
Please note that since 10 March 2021 a couple of repatriation flights have been operated. About 760 persons have been repatriated so far.
- Until July 2021 under the protocol of mandatory 14 days quarantine in Mauritius before getting on the plane to Rodrigues with negative PCR test of day 14. Upon arrival in Rodrigues again 14 days mandatory quarantine plus PCR Tests with additional 7 days of self isolation at home afterwards to minimize the risk of late transmission.
- With partial opening of the Mauritian borders, protocols changed. The 14 days quarantine was maintained in Mauritius for the repatriation flights but no more quarantine in Rodrigues, just self isolation.
- And since the opening of borders on 01 October in Mauritius, the quarantine was waived, a negative PCR test prior to the flight (up to 72 hours) was sufficient to enter the plane to Rodrigues.
Due to passionate discussions within the Rodriguan population, the poor vaccination figures and shortcomings in the local health sector, the opening of the borders for Rodrigues was rescheduled until 01 November, a 7 day quarantine in Rodrigues was made mandatory for the 3 scheduled repatriation flights in October of which the one on Friday was the first.
Speaking on Saturday with dozens of people in Port Mathurin, everybody expected the authorities to immediately extend the quarantine for the Friday group at least for another week. Especially with Delta around in the local community in Mauritius a strong risk is seen for the unvaccinated population in Rodrigues. It seems that the decision was taken after a second case was detected yesterday.
Beside, more questions are on the table with importance not only for our local population but also for tourists looking forward to eventually come in November.
- What happpens if the Rodriguan population will not be herd immune by end of October?
- Will the opening for commercial flights in Rodrigues be maintained for 01 November, and if yes, will the conditions change?
- Will the positive PCR test samples be sequenced for variants for a better risk assessment?
- Additional medical equipment and training for the medical personnel in Rodrigues was anounced at the end of September for the first week in October, are there any news on it?-
Apart de cela, plus de questions sont sur la table avec une importance non seulement pour notre population locale mais aussi pour les touristes impatients de venir éventuellement en novembre.
- Que se passe-t-il si la population rodriguaise n'a pas attaint l'immunité collective d'ici la fin octobre ?
- L'ouverture des vols commerciaux à Rodrigues sera-t-elle maintenue pour le 01 novembre, et si oui, les conditions changeront-elles ?
- Les échantillons positifs du test PCR seront-ils séquencés aux variantes pour une meilleure évaluation des risques ?
- Des équipements médicaux supplémentaires et une formation pour le personnel médical à Rodrigues ont été annoncés fin septembre pour la première semaine d'octobre, est-ce qu 'il y a des nouvelles ?
Wir werden die Entwicklung verfolgen. Vorerst wünschen wir beiden Patienten in Mont Lubin, dass sie weiterhin stabil und asymptomatisch bleiben und dass keine weiteren Fälle mehr entdeckt werden.
Was die Bevölkerung von Rodrigues betrifft: Es ist jetzt höchste Zeit, sich impfen zu lassen, das Tragen von Masken und die soziale Distanzierung müssen respektiert werden. Kein Weckruf mehr, das Virus ist da. Wir wussten alle, dass es eines Tages kommen würde. Dieser Tag war letzten Freitag.-
What we know so far:
AntwortenLöschenBoth positive cases are men,one 63 years old, the other one in his 40s, both double dose vaccinated, both do not show symptoms so far, and both are said to be stable.
Additionally there were 3 non-conclusive PCR test results, maybe an indication for the end or the onset of an infection.
6 persons who were in closer contact to case 1 are under special observation.
The next PCR test will be done on Day 7, which is Friday.
Tomorrow, October 14, a delegation of the Ministry of Health in Mauritius will come in order to train medical staff in Rodrigues concerning Covid-19.
The next two repatriation flights are scheduled for October 14 and October 18. Quarantine in Rodrgues will be for them now 14 days.
There were rumours that 3 persons who were on the list for the first flight could not board as their PCR tests showed that they were positive.
Update 15.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenAnother case was detected after arrival of second repatriation flight. This person is not the isolation centre of Mont Lubin but doing isolation in the quarantine hotel .
In this batch another PCR test came out non conclusive, the test will be redone after 48 hours. That is what was communicated yesterday evening in the news.
The Health delegation from Mauritius was on the same flight and is obviously not undergoing quarantine as the working sessions with members of the administration, the Police force, and medical staff has started yesterday.
There was not yet an update on the PCR tests Day 7 of the first batch of passengers arriving last week.
Update 16.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenI forgot to put the link of the press conference on 15.10.2021 where the 3rd case was communicated.
Within the batch of the PCR tests done on Friday 15.10.2021, tests Day 7 of the group that had arrived on 08.10., 2 further cases were detected and brought to the Mont Lubin Heath Centre.They are said to be stable.
No news so far concerning the repetition of the PCR test for the non conclusive case who arrived on the second flight.
Update 19.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenAnother case of Covid-19 infection was detected connected to the 3rd repatriation flight arriving in Rodrigues on 18.10.2021.
This brings the total number of cases up to 6.
Note: In the news yesterday evening the total number given was 5 which does not match the number of previous publicly confirmed cases.
Update 21.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenTwo new cases were detected in passengers of the second flight of 14.10.2021 staying in quarantine hotel Les Cocotiers by PCR tests taken on Day 7.
The two persons concerned are a man who was transported to the isolation centre in Mont Lubin, the second case is a handicapped girl. As she depends for her care on her mother it was decided to leave mother and daughter isolated in the hotel. They will be monitored and if necessary treated by doctors coming to the hotel.
3 other persons who were under observation in Mont Lubin as they were close to the detected case on flight 3 on 18.10.2021 are back in their quarantine hotel as their PCR tests showed negative.
The total number of infections since 08.10.2021 in Rodrigues stands currently at 8.
Update 22.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenA 9th case was detected in Rodrigues after PCR test Day 14 in one of the passengers who arrived on the first flight on 08.10.2021. It is a man in his 40s who accompanied his uncle for medical treatment in Mauritius. The uncle tested positive a week ago.
Again conflicting numbers in thepress conferences, Mauritius communicated 5 active cases for Rodrigues and Rodrigues spoke of 7 cases in total, probably speaking of 7 who are in isolation at Mont Lubin Health Clinic.
As to the weekly update of the situation in Mauritius:
"... results of sequencing of 29 COVID-19 positive samples, through the Thermo Fisher technology and collected from 28 September to 13 October 2021, revealed that 20 were the Delta variant. Out of the 29 samples, 23 were local cases, out of which 16 were Delta variants. From the six imported cases, four were Delta variants. The rest belonged to the variant lineage B.1.1.318.
...over the past week, 408 local positive infections and 16 imported cases were detected. The imported cases were fully vaccinated and asymptomatic travellers, who were placed in isolation. Quarantine centres are hosting 203 unvaccinated people from abroad, added the Minister.
For the same period, 18 COVID-19 related deaths were registered. A breakdown of this number showed that six of the deceased were aged less than 60 years old, 14 were not vaccinated, and four fully vaccinated, including two people with comorbidities. From March to date, 137 COVID-19 deaths were reported, stated Dr Jagutpal.
Furthermore, 31 patients were taken in the New ENT Hospital; of whom, six fully vaccinated persons were under artificial respiration, 18 patients required oxygen support (12 vaccinated, five unvaccinated, one status unknown), and 11 placed under observation because of their comorbidities. The New ENT Hospital admitted 110 patients from 1st October 2021 to date, and discharged 83 people. Also, 168 COVID-19 positive patients were being treated in other hospitals across Mauritius.
Concerning the vaccination rate in Mauritius, 66% of the population, namely 824,665 citizens, were fully vaccinated. Some 873,817 people, representing 70% of the population, received their first dose, and 14,707 got their booster dose. The Minister highlighted that the 2nd dose administration of Pfizer vaccine for students under 18 years old kicked off yesterday while 27,909 got their first Pfizer shot. Students, who are yet to receive their first jab, are still able to do so..
Regarding the COVID-19 situation in Rodrigues, the Minister apprised that five positive cases, imported from Mauritius, were detected and transferred to quarantine centres. He averred that the 60% COVID-19 vaccination mark will soon be reached in Rodrigues, with 56% of the population having received the first jab, and 54% their second shot. #gismauritius
Update 23.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenIn this today's article in Le Mauricien a positive case is mentioned, detected on Friday in Quarantine Hotel Les Cocotiers. If this case was detected after the two of who we already know, it would be the 10th case. If this is the man tested positive together with the handicapped girl, the figure would remain the same (9).It is not clear to me.
Here the link and below the English translation,
In quarantine in Rodrigues: an SMF officer positive for Covid
Placed in quarantine on his arrival in Rodrigues, an SMF soldier, who came with eleven colleagues, tested positive for Covid-19, this Friday, October 22.
The patient, who was in quarantine at Hotel Les Cocotiers, was transferred to the Mont-Lubin treatment center.
This group of soldiers landed in Rodrigues on October 14.
In addition, the doctor in charge at Les Cocotiers hotel complained to the authorities about the behavior of these soldiers.
"In quarantine, these soldiers were celebrating when I came to tell them the positivity of their colleague," said the doctor to the police. Security around the hotel has since been stepped up.
Update 25.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenYesterday evening another case was communicated, a passenger who came with the 3rd flight on 18.10.2021,after the PCR tests Day 7 were effected. The passenger was accommodated at Auberge Anse Aux Anglais for his quarantine period and is now at Mont Lubin. That would be the 10th case detected within the repatriated passengers.
Note: In the Mauritius news the given figure was 9 in total and the Commissioner of Health in Rodrigues mentioned 8 cases.
Another article in Le Mauricien in which it was said that one of the positive cases respectively people who were around him in Hotel Les Cocotiers was/were able to roam around outside the hotel caused the Commissioner for Health to state that the details in this article are completely untrue.
Update 29.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenRodrigues has detected Thursday (28.10)another case of Covid-19 among the passengers of the last repatriation flight arriving here on 18.10., so the count stands at 11. 4 of the first detected and isolated cases have already been discharged as virus free.
The most important news concerning Rodrigues: The opening for commercial flights has been postponed again from 01.11. to 15.11. due to several reasons: the Delta variant in Mauritius, we have not yet attained 60% of vaccination in the island, the fear of the Rodriguans that without quarantine we might not be ready. Several protocols are due to be communicated during the week-end.-
Find here some details communicated on 29.11.2021 by GIS Mauritius during the weekly press briefing about the situation in Mauritius:
Mauritius obtains new sequencing device.Experts from the WHO were recently in Mauritius to train technicians of the Ministry of Health and Wellness on a new sequencing machine that uses the Nanopore technology.
The sequencing device is already in use with 45 samples being processed. The results of the samples will be obtained in the coming days, he added.
To date, some 903,154 persons have already received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 852,595 persons have been fully vaccinated in Mauritius. As regards booster doses, 16,037 persons have already been inoculated.
In addition,the Pfizer vaccination campaign for those under 18 years old is still ongoing and to date, 29,057 persons have already been inoculated with their first dose whereas 11,638 persons have been fully vaccinated.
As to Rodrigues,it was indicated that 59,2% of the population have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while the percentage of persons fully vaccinated stands at 57,4%.
As to the treatment centres and the New ENT Hospital: There are 36 patients admitted with 23 patients under oxygen support, four patients under ventilator, while nine patients are being monitored due to their medical condition.
613 COVID-19 positive local cases and 17 imported cases have been recorded this week. The imported cases are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic. Two hundred and thirty-four of the local positive patients are admitted in different hospitals around the country, and 73 unvaccinated people from abroad are currently staying in quarantine centres. As per established protocols, they will be required to do three PCR tests, notably on their arrival at the airport, on the seventh day, and on the 14th day.
For the same period, there has been 17 COVID-19 related deaths, of which four of the deceased were aged less than 60 years old, 11 were not vaccinated, and six fully vaccinated, including two people without any medical issues while 15 had several comorbidities. From March to date, 156 COVID-19 deaths were reported.-
Please note that again the figures for Rodrigues are conflicting:Whereas the Minister stated a total of 9 cases of which 7 were transferred to quarantine centres.The Health Commissioner in Rodrigues mentioned this time the same number as the Minister (9). My count, on the basis of the communicated detections after PCR tests were effected, shows 11 cases.
Update 05.11.2021
AntwortenLöschenThere was an error in my last comment: the last detected case on 28.10.was from Cocotiers Hotel,concerning the flight arriving on 14.10. and not the one of 18.10. With this person brought to Mont Lubin Health Centre for isolation, and all other persons from this flight going home after the PCR tests on Day 14(including the positive tested handicapped girl that was isolated there with her mother), the total of active cases during the past week stood at 6 (as 5 pax in total could go home).We haven't heard anything new during the past days.-
The Dornier came on 03.10. to take some patients in need of medical treatment. The repatriation flight which was scheduled for this day will be coming together with a second repat flight today, Saturday 06.11.
As the figures, communicated yesterday by the Minister of Health, are alarming, we all hope that we will not get too many new cases.
Here as usual the figures of yesterday's press conference in Mauritius:
- A total of 197 people have died since 05 March due to COVID-19
- 42 people have died this week, out of which 14 were less than 60 years, 28 more than 60 years, 20 were not vaccinated, 20 vaccinated, six did not have any comorbidities, and 36 had comorbidities.
- 705 positive cases were registered this week, incl. 27 imported cases
- 45 patients are admitted at the ENT Hospital, out of whom 6 are on artificial ventilator.
- 71,6% of the Mauritian population have been inoculated with the first dose
- more than 67% with the second dose
- 858,131 people have been fully vaccinated
- some 17,508 people have received their third dose of vaccine
- Children aged less than 18 years: 29,740 with their first dose, 12,581 with their second dose
- 181 passengers are in quarantine
- As to the vaccination situation in Rodrigues:
- 59,3% of the population have received their first dose
- 57,5% their second dose
Sequencing results for 33 tests carried out revealed 8 cases of the B 11 318 variant and 25 of the Delta variant, out of which 22 were local cases and three imported cases.
Also present, the pulmonologist, Dr Reesaul, dwelt on the different treatments being administered to COVID-19 patients at the ENT Hospital. He recalled that there are three groups of patients, namely those with light, moderate, or severe symptoms. According to the WHO protocol, he said, patients who are positive but do not present any symptoms isolate themselves at home while observing social distancing, wearing of masks, and frequent hand washing. Those with moderate symptoms whose oxygen level is between 90 to 94 are taken care of at the COVID-19 Wards of hospitals. They are administered cortisone for 10 days, an anticoagulant, and oxygen.
If the oxygen level decreases whereby a patient requires six to eight litres of oxygen, he is transferred to the ENT Hospital. The patient then undergoes a complete check-up and is given the appropriate treatment with increased oxygen and a ventilation technique put in place. If the patient's condition deteriorates, he is put under artificial ventilation, he added.
The infectologist and specialist in Internal Medicine, Dr Nuckcheddy recalled that the Remdesivir treatment for COVID-19 is already on the market adding that recently, the Technical Committee at the Ministry of Health and Wellness has approved the antiviral drug, Fabiflu, for treating patients presenting mild to moderate symptoms, as well as the Ronapreve which is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies and is used at the beginning of the treatment.
He highlighted that at the international level, other drugs are being approved and added that the protocol established in Mauritius is being regularly updated so that patients can benefit from the best treatment.
Please note that in the evening another 6 deceased were announced for yesterday(Friday).
Update 08.11.2021
AntwortenLöschenYesterday evening it was announced that on the two repatriation flights which arrived on Saturday from Mauritius, comprising in total 123 passengers, 3 new suspected cases of Covid-19 had been detected, 2 men and 1 woman.They are still isolated in their quarantine hotels (Les Cocotiers and Le Flamboyant). New PCR tests will be carried out with them today to see if the results confirm. So I will wait until adding them to the 11 total cases we had so far.
Concerning the 6 patients at Mont Lubin Health Centre the news are as following: 3 persons could go home yesterday after their PCR tests turned negative. 3 are still active and have to continue their treatment in Mont Lubin.
The situation in Mauritius does not seem to get better. During the past days an average of more than officially announced 100 positive cases were added each evening. Beside they are reports that hospital admissions are on the rise.
Concerning the opening in Rodrigues, scheduled for November 15, the population in Rodrigues is divided and scared. There are rumours of another postponement.
Update 09.11.2021:
AntwortenLöschenAs learned by a speech of Chief Commissioner Serge Clair yesterday, there are only 2 active cases in Mont Lubin Health Centre.
Not information yet about the repeated 3 PCR tests scheduled for yesterday.
Please see the communiqué of Serge Clair in following post concerning the opening of Rodrigues.
Update 10.11.2021
AntwortenLöschenYesterday evening it was communicated in the Rodrigues News on MBC that out of the three suspected cases who arrived on Saturday, 06.11., the repeated PCR tests on Monday revealed one confirmed case of Covid-19, one test turned out to be negative and the third test was still again found to be non-conclusive.The person tested positive was transferred for isolation to Mont Lubin Health Centre.
As one isolated person was discharged yesterday, the remaining active cases stay at 2 in Mont Lubin.Though, the total number of cases stands at 12 now.
As to Mauritius the news are grim:
- As from today the schools will once again be closed and replaced by distance learning in Mauritius, while on Monday such a decision was still out of the question.The Minister for Education mentioned in her broadcasted declaration that since 18 October alone 1,856 positive cases were detected in the different types of schools.
- The testing centres in the 5 flu-clinics of the different hospitals show long queues of people who want to get tested again after their rapid tests have shown a positive results, mixing with people who have symptoms and want to get a PCR test.
- Yesterday we got also statistical data comparing the death figures by year for the months of July to September
Nombre de décès selon les chiffres du Registrar
of Civil Status et du ministère de la Santé :
Year 2019 :
-July : 1 046
-August : 1 004
-September : 957
Total July to September: 3 007
Year 2020 :
July : 981
August : 982
September : 854
Total July to September 2020 : 2 817 deaths
Year 2021 :
July : 1 004
August : 1 157
September : 1 098
Total August to September 2021 : 3 359
Between October 1 and November 4 of this year 2021 :
1,397 deaths were recorded, of which 122 caused by Covid-19.
- The Minister of Health revealed that concerning the figures of the deceased du to Covid-19 61 persons were fully vaccinated. 44 for with Sinopharm,5 with AstraZeneca, 5 with Covaxin, and 7 with Johnson & Johnson.
32,593 PCR tests were done between October 25 to November 7 of which 1,538 turned out to be positive.
For the same period, 42,001 Rapid Tests were carried out of which 13,698 were positive.
I will keep you posted here the development.
Update 11.10.2021
AntwortenLöschenYesterday evening it was announced in the Rodrigues News, that a Dornier flight brought on Tuesday the 3 ventilators and the anaesthesie machine donated by the WHO. The figure of mechanical ventilators available here was updated. In total there are now 11 in Rodrigues. In addition there are 4 BiPAPs in Rodrigues, 2 in Crève Coeur and 2 in Mont Lubin. (BiPAP stands for Bilevel positive airway pressure, very important for patients with respiratory conditions as COP. I will explain the differences in an extra post.)
Concerning the Covid-19 patients in Mont Lubin, the Commissioner for Health pointed out that noone needed respiratory assistance.
As to the vaccination progress it was said, differently to what was mentioned by Serge Clair in his speech, that 4,000 adult Rodriguans have not yet had their vaccination.However, we have still not yet achieved 60% of doubled vaccinated Rodriguans.
No dates were announced as to when the vaccination for the children and the booster dose will start.
Update 12.11.2021:
AntwortenLöschenPRESS BRIEFING
The Minister of Health and Welfare this afternoon moderated the press briefing of the National Communication Committee on COVID-19 alongside Drs A. Dinassing, Director of Public Health and S. Sokappadu, head of NEW ENT HOSPITAL.
Minister Jagutpal announced that the Republic of Mauritius currently has 69.8% of the population fully vaccinated while 26,544 people have received a 3rd dose of a vaccine against COVID-19.
The cases identified for this week are still on the rise, or 897 new cases for the past week while 46 deaths have been directly attributed to COVID-19 for the same period. The majority of patients who died were unvaccinated, over the age of 60, and suffered from multiple co-morbidities.
(47 positive patients are currently admitted to ENT hospital, six of whom are placed on artificial ventilators. 30 others have occasional oxygen needs. 392 patients infected with Covid-19 have been admitted through hospitals across the country.source:l'express)
The speakers once again insisted on the importance of getting vaccinated and of respecting the health measures in force. The measures announced by the Prime Minister yesterday aim above all to break the chain of contamination by limiting contacts.
Regarding the purchase of vaccines, the Minister of Health and Welfare announced that the country will receive a shipment of more than 100,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday, November 15, 2021.
During the Press Briefing the Minister of Health stated that there are currently another 1,000 positive cases per day, not going into the statistics as they are based on Rapid tests.
A girl of 18 months died on Thursday, she suffered from a rare genetic disease, the Cornela de Lange Syndrome, and was waiting to be going soon to India for treatment, in the beginning of the week she run a fever and was admitted to hospital where she was tested positive for Covid-19. Her death was attributed to a Covid related pneumonia.It is the second child under 20 months to die from Covid-19 within the past 2 months.
The minister mentioned as well that 2 shipments of Johnson & Johnson are expected in November.
As to Rodrigues he mentioned a vaccination progress amounting to 58.8% for doubled vaccinated (if I remember correctly).
We still haven't got any more details on the controlled opening of our airport as from November 15 in Rodrigues.
I will keep you posted.
Update 14.11.2021
AntwortenLöschenToday I concentrate on the news about Rodrigues as mentioned in the Mauritian evening news.
As far I understood the facts:
- There was an incident of Breach of Quarantine at Quarantine Hotel Les Cocotiers on Saturday. Quarantined passengers didn't respect the quarantine rules by leaving their rooms in order to get home as it was supposed to be their last day. This happened before the results of their tests PCR Day 7 had been communicated to them. As a positive case had been detected, all passengers have to extend their quarantine for another 7 days. It seems that some of the passengers had even made it outside and had to be taken back to the hotel. Consequences were announced by the Commissioner for Health for those involved in the breach of quarantine.
So at the moment there are 62 persons still at Hotel Cocotiers.The postive case was, if I understood correctly, transferred to Mont Lubin Health Centre. It is the 13th case.
- At Hotel KonoKono another two suspect cases were detected. They were transferred to another "établissement".
- It was said that 60 persons could go home.
- The Commissioner mentioned that in total 198 tests PCR were done on Saturday. As they can proceed only with 14 tests per hour it needs quite some time until all results are available.
On a personal note: the report shown on TV was difficult to 'decode' as there were several details mentioned which did not add up. So there was the mentioning of Hotel Le Lagon Bleu and that cases were found there too but then no more reference was made. If I learn more details, I will communicate them here.
Update 16.11.2021:
AntwortenLöschenIt was a turbulent day concerning figures in Mauritius:
During the Private Notice Question time in parliament on Tuesday, the Health Minister revealed, that for the period 8 to 14 November 11,538 tests were positive.
Of 19,663 tests PCR effected in public and private hospitals 1,332 came out positive. Of 28,016 Rapid Antigen Test effected in the same period in the public hospitals 10,206 tests came out positive.
As to Covid-19 related deaths in the same period:
- 99
- 62 of these deaths are directly attributed to Covid-19, one person died at home.
- 22 patients who were placed under artificial respiration (ventilators) at ENT hospital in October 2021 have not survived. They suffered from several comorbidities.
- 18 of these 22 were not vaccinated
- 3 were double vaccinated
- 1 had only a single dose
The minister commented also on Remdesivir, 71 flacons are currently available.
As to Rodrigues:
A brief announcement was made on the local news that one more case of Quarantine Hotel Cocotiers was tested positve and was brought to Mont Lubin Health Centre. Two patients are at time there. The non-conclusive cases mentioned in the comment before came out negative.
So , in my count we are at 14 total cases of which are 2 active ones.
Update 17.11.2021:
AntwortenLöschenYesterday it was announced in the local news Zournal Rodrigues that as from today, 18.11., the booster shots for all those who were vaccinated with either AstraZeneca or Covaxin will start at hospital Crève Ceur and La Ferme.
The booster vaccine will be Johnson & Johnson with 5,000 shots available for the time being.
Update 19.11.2021:
AntwortenLöschenIn the press briefing of the Minister of Health yesterday he announced following figures concerning the sanitary situation in Mauritius.
In the week between 12.11-19.11.2021
- 10,209 PCr tests were done with 1,277 positive cases detected of which 22 were imported but asymptomatic cases (all imported cases since 01.10.2021 have been asymptomatic)
- the country counts currently 1,476 active cases
- Rodrigues counts 2 active cases in quarantine
- 49 persons are have been admitted to ENT hospital, 9 of them ventilated and
26 treated with oxygene.
- 503 persons have been admitted to the Covid Wards of the 5 hospitals in the
- 85 deaths directly related to Covid 19 were announced (week before 46)
- 20 were under 60 years old
- 16 did not present any previous comorbidities
- 49 were not vaccinated
- 36 were fully vaccinated
Furthermore it was stated that between 01.11.2021 and 19.11.2021, with 970 deaths so far 414 more deaths were counted in comparison to the same period last year (556).
Please note as well that the government has asked Reunion for 20 tons of liquid oxygene and 10 ventilators in case Mauritius faces a rupture of stock due to the ongoing surge.
Decisions were taken that for the booster shots vulnerable persons and medical staff are eligible now to boost with Pfizer BioNtec instead of Johnson & Johnson.
Update 20.11.2021:
AntwortenLöschenThis is a brief update concerning the situation in Rodrigues.
- The two Covid-19 patients at Mont Lubin Health Centre are still there and said to be stable.
- The 51 persons at Quarantine Cocotiers Hotel were discharged yesterday as their PCR Tests Day 14 turned out to be negative.
Currently there are no more people in quarantine hotels.
Update 24.11.2021
AntwortenLöschenEvery day there are sad news coming from Mauritius and more figures too.
Concerning the Education Sector the Minister Dookun advanced yesterday following figures: 3,358 positive cases were recorded during the trimester 13.09.-09.11.2021, 2,407 students, 951 teachers and non teaching members.All were asked to auto-isolate. 4 teachers (3 from Government colleges and 1 from a private college)and one caretaker of a Primary School run by the Government died from Covid-19 so far.
During a parliament session it was mentioend that Mauritius has currently 16,000 positive cases and 39 DMU (with Diploma for Medical Ultrasound).
75 Nursing Officers, 25 men, 25 women and 25 specialists in ICU Treatment from India will be recruited to assist our local medical staff in the treatment of Covid-19 patients. Other countries were asked for assistance too, like specialists from La Réunion to help and train the staff at ENT hospital and the Univerty of Bordeaux for probable medical online assistance. Retired nursing staff are also asked to come forward and help.
Several Ministers were tested positive or had to auto-isolate. This morning I learned that the President of the Republic of Mauritius was yesterday admitted to Wellkin Clinic.
In an article from defimedia it was mentioned that 2 million doses of Molnupiravir for the treatment of Covid-19 will be purchased as well as 300 doses of Tocilizumab. 1,000 bottles of Fabiflu were distributed to the 5 regional hospitals and ENT.This was communicated by the Health Minister on 23.11.2021 as well as figures:
From 05.03.2020 to 21.03.2021 there were 395 deaths related to Covid-19 in Mauritius. 243/ENT Hospital, 35/Dr A.G Jeetoo Hospital, 28/ Hospital in Flacq, 25/Hospital Victoria, 25/l’Hôpital du Nord, 13/ Hôpital Nehru à Rose-Belle, 7/private sector, 9/ Hôpital de Souillac, 1/ Hôpital de Poudre-d ’Or and 9/at home.
Update 26.11.2021:
AntwortenLöschenDuring the weekly press briefing yesterday, 26.11., the Health Minister announced that between last Friday up to the briefing 122 new deaths due to Covid-19 were recorded.
Of these deaths 36 were under 60 years and 86 above 60 years.
This time 61 were not vaccinated, and 61 vaccinated, one patient with only one dose.
21 of these patients did not have any diseases before, 101 had comorbidities.
The total number of deaths due to Covid-19 since March 2021 stands now at 455.
Currently at ENT Hospital 41 patients were admitted, 10 need to be ventilated, 8 of them are vaccinated.18 further patients need oxygene, 10 of them are vaccinated.13 patients are under observation.
482 patients were admitted in the 5 other governmental hospitals.
During the same period a total of 1,021 positive cases were detected, 24 of them were imported. This time the Health Minister did not advance figures concerning the number of positive Rapid Antigene tests.
Concerning the sequencing results of 32 samples done between 11 Ocober and 2 November, 15 cases of the delta variant were detected.The rest of the samples showed the local variant which has been circulating before.
As to the vaccination progress:
- 912,805 persons are vaccinated with one dose
- 889,442 persons are vaccinated with 2 doses
- 77,327 persons have had their booster dose
- In Rodrigues 59.9% have had their second dose, which means that the island has passed the 60% benchmark of its population vaccinated. 917 persons have had their booster dose.
Concerning the new variant detected in South Africa, the B.1.1.529, named Omicron by the WHO, Mauritius has decided to suspend all flights from South Africa as from Minday, 29 November.
Update 30.11.2021:
AntwortenLöschenRodrigues - Again the commercial flights were suspended, this time until 15 December. No sign of the announced repatriation flights so far.
- The Health Minister, Kailesh Jagutpal, announced yesterday in parliament that between 01.11.2021 and 29.11.2021, 348 persos died of Covid-19.
156 of these deaths were fully vaccinated as mentioned below:
16/ AstraZeneca
44/ Covaxin
8 / Janssen
88/ Sinopharm
The minister indicated that in total during the same period 1,686 deaths were recorded. Compared to the same period in 2020 with 855 deaths the figures have doubled.
Another point on the agenda was Omicron, although one positive tested person from Reunion was in transit in Mauritius before returning to Reunion from a trip to Mozambique and South Africa, and on Saturday passengers of a plane coming from JoBurg were quarantined and tested, the Health Minister said that there is no case of Omicron. He did not mention how many passengers were tested positiv on Covid-19 and how many samples were sequenced.
More to Omicron in an extra post!
And it is with a heavy heart that I learnt yesterday that another doctor did not won his battle against the virus. Dr.Ashraf Aly Pooloo, 64, pediatrician in Hospital Jeetoo died on Tuesday morning at ENT Hospital where he was treated. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and the medical staff at Jeetoo Hospital.
Weekly Friday Briefing Update 03.12.2021:
AntwortenLöschen• Some 875 persons have been detected COVID-19 positive/PCR tests,28 imported cases were detected, all stable.
• 29 COVID-19 positive patients have been admitted at the ENT Hospital. 12 patients have been put on ventilators, among whom 10 are fully vaccinated and the other 2 are not vaccinated.
• 12 patients are under oxygen support,7 fully vaccinated, 5 not vaccinated.
• 5 admitted patients are under medical observation.
• As regards to the regional hospitals, 383 patients have been admitted.
• 119 deaths due to COVID-19 this week. 28 were aged under 60 years and 91 aged above 60. 71 were not vaccinated, and 48 were vaccinated. 112 suffered from comorbidities,7 did not suffer from any.
• As from March 2021 up to date, 574 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19.
- A hotline service, 86-066, has been made available to the relatives of COVID-19 patients who have been admitted to the ENT hospital.
• There are currently 169 persons admitted in quarantine centres, including the travelers from SA from last Saturday, and other countries where the Omicron variant has been detected, are subject to quarantine stay. 22 persons travelling to different islands, are in quarantine and non-vaccinated travelers are subject to quarantine measures.
- A total of 111,067 persons, representing 9% of the population, have received their COVID-19 booster shot. Between 5,000 & 6,000 persons have come daily.
- A total of 929,087 persons, amounting to 75.7% of the population, have received the first dose while 895,815 persons, representing 73% have received a second dose.
- Those aged below 18: 33,940 persons have received a first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and 28,502 their second dose.
- In Rodrigues, more than 60% of the population have received their first and second dose, whilst 973 Rodriguans have received their booster jab. (Our Health Commissioner mentioned 1,013 persons)
Please note that this week Mauritius has received 151,200 doses of J&J vaccines from the Mastercard Foundation and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), under their joint initiative, ‘Saving Lives and Livelihoods’.
Until now no case was detected. It seems that 2 travellers from Johannesburg last Saturday, now quarantined, were tested positive of Covid-19, but their sequencing results are not yet available.
The Central Health Lab is tracking the S-Gene Target failure, to detect the Omicron variant, and all positive results are sent for sequencing.
As for the Acting Director of the Central Health Laboratory, Dr Janaki Sonoo underlined that the new COVID-19 variant has been reported to have high transmissibility but its virulence, and health impacts are so far unknown.
Besides, she added that as far as Mauritius is concerned, the Central Health Lab has developed the local capacity for sequencing since May 2021. She recalled that samples were sent abroad for sequencing since January, with notably 1,223 samples sent, out of which 959 were successfully sequenced, and 264 failures were obtained. A total of 796 samples concerned local cases, and 163 concerned imported cases.
She indicated that Alpha variant cases were detected, as well as 28 cases of South African variant, all from imported cases, and 128 cases of Delta Variant, among which 39 concerned imported cases and 89 local cases, were detected.
She also informed that a COVID-19 lineage was reported to be circulating in Mauritius, before the detection of the Delta variant, with 757 local cases and seven imported cases.
The sequencing exercise to detect mutations of the virus is constantly carried out as a normal surveillance procedure through 2 platforms, as per WHO guidelines, and added that the cases being selected are travelers being tested positive following PCR tests, amongst others.
Update 10.12.2021
AntwortenLöschenDuring the weekly press briefing the detection of 2 cases of Omicron Variant was announced.
One concerns a traveller of a flight from South Africa that landed in Mauritius on 27 November 2021 and the other one concerns a resident of Tamarin village who tested positive on 30 November 2021 following contact with someone who travelled back to Mauritius from South Africa on 18 November 2021.
Both of them were admitted in quarantine centres, and following a negative PCR test carried out yesterday (09.12.), both of them have been discharged.
As to the National COVID-19 vaccination campaign
• 932 815 persons, representing 76% of the population, have received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
• 901 187 persons have been inoculated with a second shot of a COVID-19 vaccine, representing 73.5% of the population being fully vaccinated.
• 136 940 persons have received a booster jab, representing above 11% of the population.
For those aged 15- 17 years old
34 238 teenagers have been vaccinated with a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
29 651 teenagers have received their second jab.
As to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Rodrigues
63% of the population has received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 60 % has received a second dose. 1098 Rodriguans have been inoculated with a booster jab.
The number of persons being tested COVID-19 positive following PCR tests has diminished in contrast to the three previous weeks. He pointed out that some 658 persons have been detected COVID-19 positive following PCR tests, this week, and 25 imported cases were detected among travellers and that they are all in a stable condition.
The number of admittances at the ENT Hospital has decreased as compared to the previous weeks, with 22 patients admitted at the ENT Hospital, among whom six have been put on ventilators and 16 are under oxygen support. In the COVID-19 dedicated wards in other regional hospitals, there are 307 COVID-19 positive patients.
As regards the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19,95 persons have passed away during the week. Out of the 95 deceased, 30 are aged below 60 years old, and 65 are aged above 60. He also provided the following information:
• In addition, 47 of them were not vaccinated while 46 were vaccinated, one was vaccinated with one dose only, and 86 suffered from comorbidities.
• As from March 2021 up to date, some 669 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19.
• 423 persons are currently admitted in quarantine centres, and they include persons travelling to different islands and non-vaccinated travelers.
• Mauritius has received one million doses of Molnupiravir for the treatment of COVID-19 positive patients.
As for Dr. R. Reesaul who is a healthcare practitioner, specialising as a Physician (Pulmonologist), he gave an overview of the medical treatment being dispensed to hospitalised COVID-19 positive patients. These include the following medications: Favipiravir, Remdesivir, Tocilizumab and two additional ones namely: Molnupiravir and Ronapreve.
He indicated that some 1.2 million pills of Molnupiravir for 25 000 patients have been ordered, as well as Ronapreve pills for 3000 patients.
The Acting Director of Lab Services, Dr. Janaki Sonoo reassured that the Central Health Lab has developed the capacity in terms of equipment and trained personnel for sequencing since May 2021 and stressed that sequencing is being carried out on a regular basis.
She added that positive tests having S-Gene Target failure that are detected in private health institutions have to be sent to the central health lab for genetic surveillance.
Furthermore, she stated that samples are sent abroad for sequencing, with 100 samples each two week and the latest shipment being on 18 November 2021 to the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) and on 07 December 2021 to the KRISP - KwaZulu-Natal University.
Update 17.12.2021
AntwortenLöschenNo press briefing today but a press release, here the latest:
Total Covid-19 cases confirmed by PCR tests : 422, imported cases 47.
During the last week 17 persons were admitted to ENT Hospital, 5 needing artificial ventilation, 4 of them double- vaccinated, one with only the first dose of the vaccin. 9 persons are under oxygene, 4 of them are not vaccinated, 1 has only been vaccinated with first dose. 3 persons are under observation.
In total, 235 patients are in hospitals.
There were 55 deaths this week.17 under 60 years, 32 not vaccinated, 23 vaccinated,
44 of these 55 deaths suffered from comorbidities.
185 persos are currently in quarantine with 138 passangers from high risk countries,
47 persons in quarantine are inbound passangers.
Concerning vaccination:
Mauritius: 1st dose 935,772 (76.3%, 2nd dose: 908,111 (74%)
3rd dose: 163,742
- J&J 128,509
- Sinopharm 8,703
- AstaZeneca 2,825
- Pfizer 23,705
1st dose: 63.2%
2nd dose: 60.0%
3rd dose: 1283 persons
As to Omicron & other variants:
The number of people who have contracted the Omicron variant is increasing in Mauritius. Last week the country recorded its first two cases and the authorities announced that twelve more passengers have tested positive for the variant. This follows a sequencing exercise on 15 samples of people who tested positive for COVID-19 from South Africa. The passengers are currently in quarantine and have not been in contact with the community.
Authorities also announced the detection of two cases of the Delta variant and the local variant B.1.1.318 in the 15 samples.
Concerning Rodrigues:
Following 3 new repatriation flights 2 new active cases have been detected and one under suspicion. ALl 3 persons have been transferred to Mont Lubin Health Centre.
Update 19.12.2021
AntwortenLöschenAs to Rodrigues another Covid-19 case was confirmed today, Sunday, during the Rodrigues news on TV in the evening, bringing the total cases to 17.
Currently three active cases and one suspected case are admitted in Mont Lubin Health Centre.
Update 22.12.2021
AntwortenLöschenStarting with Rodrigues' vaccination efforts it was announced on 20 Dec 2021 that
- 26,168 persons in Rodrigues had received their 2nd dose
- 28,422 persons had their first dose
- 1,313 persons had their booster dose
- 2,049 of age group below 18 had their first dose of Pfizer
As to Mauritius there was a press briefing on 22.12.2021:
- 32 deaths between 16-21 December, 4 of them under 60 years, 31 presenting comobidities
Between 05 March 2021 and 21 December 2021 a total of 756 official deaths due to Covid-19 were registered.
As to new infections it was pointed out that the figures are decreasing, 224 positive cases in period 16 to 21 Dec.Furthermore 102 imported cases were recorded.
At the ENT Hospital 14 patients had been admitted, 5 of them are under artificial ventilation, 5 under oxygene and the remaining 4 are under observation.
156 patients are currently admitted in the other governmental hospitals.
As to the sequencing for variants, the government received last week the results of 100 samples of which 90 (78 local and 12 imported) were attributed to Delta and 10 to Omicron. As to Omicron, 8 of the cases were local and 2 cases imported. 24 total Omicron cases so far detected in Mauritius.
Concerning vaccination a new amendment was issued stating that as from 15 Jan 2022 only those will be considered as fully vaccinated who had their booster dose after 6 months after the second dose, for J&J it will be a second dose after 4 months.
In the case of someone tested positive after the second dose, the ministry will consider the date of detection and the persons concerned will be considered as fully vaccinated for 4 months after.
Vaccination progress in Maurice as follows :
1st dose : 942,722 persons (74,5%)
2nd dose : 909,170 persons (71,8%)
Booster dose : 174,854 persons
Less than 18 years (1st dose) : 40,931 students
2nd dose : 31,768 students
Update 24.12.2021
AntwortenLöschenHere the figures of the whole last week until 24.12.2021announced by GIS Mauritius
Local cases (PCR) : 262
New imported cases : 119
Deaths: 39, 7 less than 60 years/ 32 above 60 years,
29 not vaccinated,10 fully vaccinated,
38 with comorbidities/ 1 without comorbidities
Admissions at ENT : 12
6 on ventilator (2 fully vaccinated, 4 not vaccinated)
3 on oxygene supply (2 fully vaccinated, 1 not vaccinated)
3 on observation
Admissions to regional hospitals : 139
Quarantine : total persons 229, of which 142 from high risk countries, inbound passengers 39, awaiting departure to outer islands 42
Vaccination :
1st dose: 946,313 (77.1%)
2nd dose: 909,900 (74.2%)
3rd dose: 178,074
- J&J 138,584
- Sinopharm 8,706
- AstraZeneca 2,825
- Pfizer 27,959
Under 18:
1st dose: 44,017
2nd dose: 31,962
- 1st dose: 66.5%
- 2nd dose: 61.3%
- 3rd dose: 1,403
As to Rodrigues please note that on 24.12.2021 2 repatriation flights arrived, PCR tests upon arrival have detected 1 positive case, a young man in his 20es who was transferred from Quarantine Auberge Kono Kono to Mont Lubin Health Centre. Currently there are 4 patients at MHL.
Update 28.12.2021
AntwortenLöschen21 new Omicron cases were detected in a batch of 78 samples for sequencing dating from the period 17 November to 19 December 2021.
The Ministrz of Health announced that 57 cases were connected to the Delta variant, 49 originating from the local population and 8 of incoming passengers.
The 21 cases co nnected to Omicron were found all in incoming passengers. So the count of detected Omicron cases stands now at 45.
Update 30.12.2021 for period between 22.12. to 28.12.2021
AntwortenLöschen- Positive local PCR cases : 295
- Imported cases PCR : 57
- Patients admitted to ENT : 14, of whom 4 on ventilator (2 fully vaccinated/2 not vaccinated), 10 on Oxygene supply (4 fully vaccinated/6 not vaccinated), 0 on observation
- Patients in Hospital Wards: 92
- Covid-19 Deaths: 13 (3 less than 60 years, 10 above 60 years), 6 not vaccinated/7 fully vaccinated, 1 no comorbidity/12 comorbidities
- Total persons in Quarantine:26, all inbound passengers and not from High Risk countries, no passengers awaiting departure to outer islands)
Vaccination Progress:
- Mauritius
- 1st dose: 949,894 (77.4%)
- 2nd dose: 913,563 (74.5%)
- Booster: 184,429 (J&J 143,127/ Sinopharm 8,716/ AstraZeneca 2,825/ Pfizer
Under 18:
- 1st dose: 46,899
- 2nd dose: 34,915
- 1st dose: 65.9%
- 2nd dose: 63.0%
- 3rd dose: 1,613
AntwortenLöschenPlease note:
As to the Rodrigues Covid-19 outbreak there is a new thread to give you frequently updated figures
I will soon do a new thread concerning Mauritius too. Will post the link later.