Mittwoch, 4. April 2012

Tornadoes in Texas

 Gestern in Texas....

Mindestens 2 Tornados haben gestern in Texas die Menschen in Atem gehalten. Abends sah ich dann die Aufnahme von dem Truck, der durch die Lüfte gewirbelt wurde...Ich bin froh zu lesen, dass es offenbar in erster Linie nur Sachschaden gab, zumindest habe ich keine Angaben über Todesopfer gefunden...
Dieses Jahr starben bereits in Amerika 57 Personen nach dem Durchziehen von Tornados.

 Yesterday in Texas....

"At least two tornadoes ripped across northern Texas Tuesday, flipping huge trucks like toys, tearing off roofs and grounding flights but apparently causing only minor casualties.

One twister touched down in a parking lot full of tractor-trailers -- large trucks that move shipping-container sized cargos -- and television images showed several large vehicles twisting and flying dozens of feet up into the air."
In Lancaster

I am glad that the damages were limited primarily to structures as houses and cars, until now "only" injuries were mentioned, no casualties so far. During the past months there have already been an awful lot of tornadoes, very early and very deadly. It seems as if it gets worth every year...

Just in 2012 so far:
"There have been 458 tornadoes reported in the U.S. in 2012, of which at least 251 have been confirmed. There have been 62 confirmed fatalities worldwide: 5 in Indonesia and 57 in the United States." (source)

Sources & photos:
- Powerful tornadoes strike Texas/GMA News Online 03.04.2012
- Tornadoes Strike Dallas-Fort Worth Area/International Business Times 03.04.2012

- Tornados/ 20.04.2011

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