Letzten Sonntag am 9. November starb Miriam Makeba im Alter von 76 Jahren nach einem Konzert gegen die Mafia in Italien. Doch ihre Stimme gegen Ungerechtigkeit und Apartheid wird hoffentlich immer weiterleben durch ihre wunderbaren Lieder, mit denen sie weltweit berühmt wurde, allen voran natürlich Pata Pata.... -
Last Sunday Miriam Makeba, the Voice of Africa, died at age 76 after a concert afainst the Italian mafia. Here her most popular song which will hopefully never die as all her other songs against injustice and Apartheid. Enjoy Pata Pata the last song she sang on stage, a song which is now more than 40 years old!
1 Kommentar:
As this post has recently been looked at several times, I just checked it and saw that as it happens so often, the viceoclip link is not working anymore.
Here another link with Pata Pata from 1967!
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