
Dienstag, 26. August 2008
Abhängen - auch noch keine olympische Disziplin...
Unsere Nachbarn hat der ganze Rummel um Olympia ziemlich unbeeindruckt gelassen, auf die Frage gestern, wie sie das Ereignis erlebt haben, ernteten wir nur einen etwas mitleidigen Blick - und schwupps ging's ab in die Guaven , wo dann weiteres Abhängen angesagt war...
Our neighbours stayed mostly unimpressed by the Olympic Games as we could find out yesterday ourselves when asking them how they have experienced the event...A rather pityful look was the reaction before they continued diving into the next guyaves, hanging around looking for some more dinner...

Montag, 25. August 2008
Olympia vorbei - la fête continue...

Selbst wenn wir jetzt nicht so unbedingt zu den Boxfans der ersten Stunde gehören, so wollen wir doch nicht versäumen von Rodrigues aus, Bruno Julie zu seiner ersten Bronzemedaille zu gratulieren... sowie allen anderen Athleten, die ihr Bestes während der Spiele gegeben haben! -
The closing ceremony is already yesterday's snow - the Games are over! But for some people the party will go on...Although we don't really belong to the most passionate fans of the boxing sport, we do not want to miss passing our congratulations to Bruno Julie for his first bronze medal achieved for Mauritius...and to all athlets having given their best!

And here we have eventually found a photo of yesterday's ceremony, showing Bruno Julie with his bronze medal, his first in Olympic Games and the first for Mauritius. Our photos taken directly during the TV transmission were in such bad quality, that we simply had to wait for the first photo on the Internet. On the steps of honour: Yankiel Leon Alarcon from Cuba/silver who has lost considerably against gold medalist Badar-Uugan Enkhbat from Mongolia, beside Bruno Julie (right) the second bronze medal winner Veaceslav Gojan from Moldavia for whom it is the first medal ever for his country too.
Die Rückkehr der mauritischen Delegation ist für heute abend angesagt und klar ist jetzt schon, dass 'der Magier' gefeiert wird, ab 21.00 Live Übertragung auf allen Kanälen!
The arrival of the 'Magician'is schewduled for 8.30pm local time , as far as we know TV and radio will transmit the party until 11pm on all channels!
Ein kleines Album zu den Olympischen Spielen ist in Vorbereitung, sodass vor allem die Feierlichkeiten zu Beginn und Ende, die viele Rodriguer verpasst haben, nochmal nachempfunden werden können.Ein wenig Geduld!-
A small Beijing Olympic Games album is in preparation, featuring especially the opening and closing ceremony as lots of Rodriguans have missed them...Just some patience please!
Dienstag, 19. August 2008
"Hinter allem, und ist es noch so klein, steckt ein Mensch!"
"Derriere sak kiksoz enan ene dimun - Behind each thing , there is a person..."
"Die Fotografie ist eine Möglichkeit für jeden, seine Geschichte zurückzuverfolgen...Ein Volk, das seine Geschichte, seinen Hintergrund nicht kennt, ist ein Volk ohne Zukunft. In Rodrigues haben wir festgestellt, dass viele Bilder unserer Vergangenheit nicht mehr da sind...."-
Mit diesen Worten weiht der rodriguische Kommissar für Kunst und Kultur, Gaetan Jabeemissar, am 12.August die Ausstellung 'Die Worte der Fotografie" per Klick auf den Auslöser einer Kamera ein.-
"Photography is one possibility for everybody to retrace history...A people that doesn't know its history, its past, is a people without future. In Rodrigues we have stated that lots of images of our past don't exist anymore..."With these words Gaitan Jabeemissar opens the exhibition 'The Words of Photography' by clicking the release button of a camera.
Der August gilt als der internationale Monat der Fotografie und die Kommission für Kunst und Erziehung ließ diese Gelegenheit nicht ungenutzt verstreichen und bot Marcel Poinen, einem freiberuflichem Fotograf aus Mauritius, eine Woche lang die Möglichkeit seine Sicht auf Rodrigues in Port Mathurin auszustellen. Seit 2 Jahren erst widmet er sich der Fotografie und als Rodriguesliebhaber, der der Insel oft seine Aufwartung macht, hat er im Laufe der Zeit einige sehr sehenswerte Momente eingefangen, Alltagsportraits von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die gerade weil sie so unspektakulär daherkommen, besonders berühren. Seine Auffasung, dass hinter jeder noch so kleinen Sache ein Mensch steht, kommt in vielen seiner Fotos zum Ausdruck.-
August as the international month of photography made the local Commission for Art and Culture use the occasion by inviting Marcel Poinen, a Mauritian photographer, to display his vue on Rodrigues and its people. For only 2 years in photography and a passionate visitor of the island, he has captured beautiful moments during his visits, every day portraits of women, men and children, touching even more as they come across so unspectacular. Well reflected in his photos his attitude that behind each little thing there is always a person.
Noch bis heute kann man Marc Poinens Werke direkt bewundern. Eine schöne Initiative, die von Rodriguern und Touristen mit großem Interesse wahrgenommen wurde, wie man auch an den vielen begeisterten Einträgen im Besucherbuch feststellen kann. Die Entscheidung , die Ausstellung auf der Terrasse des ehemaligen kolonialen Administrationblock zu machen, hat mit Sicherheit dazu beigetragen, dass auch soviele Rodriguer, die sonst mit Kunst eher nichts am Hut haben, den Weg zu den Bildern gefunden haben, manches Mal sicher einfach auch aus Neugier, vielleicht jemanden aus der Nachbarschaft wiederzuerkennen. -
Still until today Marcel Poinen's art can be admired. A nice initiative which has been welcomed by the public with great interest as one can also find expressed in the numerous enthousiastic entries in the exposition's visitor's book. With the veranda of the ancient administrative block the location was well chosen and helped certainly some locals to come around too who otherwise were not so often found at such events..., maybe driven too by a certain curiosity to discover a neighbour or a friend on one of the photos.
Und hier geht es zur Ausstellung...A little album of the exhibition can be accessed here...
Photo credits: Photo1/ROD, Photo 2 inauguration/James Castel, Photos 3 & 4/ROD-motives copyrighted by Marcel Poinen
Mit diesen Worten weiht der rodriguische Kommissar für Kunst und Kultur, Gaetan Jabeemissar, am 12.August die Ausstellung 'Die Worte der Fotografie" per Klick auf den Auslöser einer Kamera ein.-
"Photography is one possibility for everybody to retrace history...A people that doesn't know its history, its past, is a people without future. In Rodrigues we have stated that lots of images of our past don't exist anymore..."With these words Gaitan Jabeemissar opens the exhibition 'The Words of Photography' by clicking the release button of a camera.

August as the international month of photography made the local Commission for Art and Culture use the occasion by inviting Marcel Poinen, a Mauritian photographer, to display his vue on Rodrigues and its people. For only 2 years in photography and a passionate visitor of the island, he has captured beautiful moments during his visits, every day portraits of women, men and children, touching even more as they come across so unspectacular. Well reflected in his photos his attitude that behind each little thing there is always a person.
Still until today Marcel Poinen's art can be admired. A nice initiative which has been welcomed by the public with great interest as one can also find expressed in the numerous enthousiastic entries in the exposition's visitor's book. With the veranda of the ancient administrative block the location was well chosen and helped certainly some locals to come around too who otherwise were not so often found at such events..., maybe driven too by a certain curiosity to discover a neighbour or a friend on one of the photos.
Photo credits: Photo1/ROD, Photo 2 inauguration/James Castel, Photos 3 & 4/ROD-motives copyrighted by Marcel Poinen
Montag, 18. August 2008
Olympiade in Peking ....Olympic Games in Beijing ...

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is already 10 days past behind us, means half-time and therefore high time to have a closer look…11,000 athlets from 202 of 204 nations officially registered have entered the bird’s nest stadium in Beijing for 302 competitions. Never before Olympic Games have seen so many countries, some people have even been said to have caught themselves always looking for the flag of the Vatican. « Participation is everything », the Marshall Islands or island state Tuvalu might have thought, being at the Olympics for the first time. Apart from the big nations which always dominate the medal’s table, even when new techniques of counting had to be introduced to help it a tiny little bit, small exotic island states won’t really stand a chance to get back to their countries with some of the precious metal in their luggage everybody had been working so hard for.

Mauritius too can tell you a thing or two about that. Since 1984 they too belong to the countries always trying the impossible with mini delegations. And as until now it seemed that nothing would change this experience, we started to work on archives to find at least something about the first participant for Mauritius in Olympic Games.-

And we were successful and surprised at the same time: Daniel André, today's national trainer in athletics,with the sprint hopes Eric Milazar (400m) and Stephen Buckland (200m) under his wings, probably just sweating heavily in China. Daniel André, genuine Rodriguan, lives in Citronelle, a little village on our island. He still remembers that in 1984 in Los Angeles he didn't win any medal but that he was offered an orange by a certain Carl Lewis. Unfortunately we couldn't find a photo of the only other female participant, Vivian Coralien, just that both attended the same college in Mauritius.

For Eric Milazar, Rodriguan too, and for many years the exceptional athlet of Mauritius, these are already the third Olympics. Could he sprint himself in Athens into the semifinals, as to this year, as we just learned,it wasn't meant to be, in his first race today he couldn't qualify.

Still everything possible for Mauritians flagcarrier Stephen Buckland, after his first heat today he could qualify for the next round in his discipline of 200m, he too was either in Sidney as in Athens where he even finished sixth in the final.

And while the biggest part of the 20 heads strong delegation has already been kicked off their competitions, a big surprise happened today: 'magician' Bruno Julie assured a medal in the 54 KG boxing discipline, should he loose in the semi final on Friday afternoon 3.13 pm, he would finish with bronze and should he win...? Since this afternoon in Mauritius dreaming is on ...
* Breaking news on 19.08.08: Buckland couldn't make it in his second heat...and prime incentives for Julie have been fixed now by the Prime Minister himself: Rs 600,000 for bronze, Rs 1,000,000 for silver and Rs 1,500,000 in case of gold plus a monthly increase...
Montag, 11. August 2008
Ein Seehund in Rodrigues - a seal in Rodrigues...Part 2
Hier das versprochene Update zu dem Seehund. Wie wir heute erfahren haben, befindet er sich nicht mehr in der Lagune, zumindest berichtete uns das eine Mitarbeiterin von Shoals Rodrigues. Auch sie haben den Seehund in der Lagune erlebt, da war er schon weniger ermattet und sogar bereit sich zu verteidigen, als man sich ihm nähern wollte. Bevor er sich wohl von Rodrigues Küste verabschiedet hat, wurde er zuletzt vor Ile Coco gesehen. Dies ist doch eine gute Nachricht - bleibt zu hoffen, dass seine Verletzung und seine Kursverirrung ihm nicht zum Verhängnis werden und dass er irgendwie seine Reise dorthin fortsetzen kann, wo er eigentlich hingehört, nämlich mehr als 3800 km weiter südlich in die antarktische Polarregion!-
Here the promised update about the seal. As we have learned today by a representative of Shoals Rodrigues, the seal is not any longer in the lagoon. They too have spotted the seal some days ago and found it more active, even defending itself when they wanted to approach it. Before leaving the Rodriguan coast, it was spotted for the last time near Ile Coco... all together not bad news! It rests to hope that the injuries and the wrong track will not affect the seal's survival and that it gets somehow back to where it belong, in the Antarctic polar region, some 3800 south from Rodrigues!
Ein wenig Erinnerungsarbeit und Googeln, brachten noch folgendes zu Tage: Auch in Mauritius gab es in den letzten Jahren, immer in den Monaten August und September, Fälle von gestrandeten Robben.-
A little brain squeezing and google surfing lead to some more information: Mauritius too had cases of stranded seals during the last years, always in the months of August and September.
So machte sich 2005 'Fokette' einen Namen, ein 14-16 Monate altes Seehundbaby, das offenbar den Anschluss zu seiner Gruppe verloren und, angetrieben durch den Einfluss starker Antizyklone, sich irgendwann in Mauritius wiedergefunden hatte. Mit Hilfe von ONGs und Sponsoren wurde Fokette in eine spezielle Einrichtung für gestrandete Robben nach Südafrika eingeflogen. -
For example 'Fokette', a 14 to 16 months old seal cub that obviously had lost its group and due to strong anticyclones it must have been driven to Mauritius. With the help of some ONGs and sponsors, Fokette could be flown in to a special project for stranded seals in South Africa.
Zwei weitere Fälle betrafen Seeelefanten aus der Region um die Kerguelen-Inseln. Im Fall aus dem Jahr 2006 fanden sich keine weiteren Angaben über den Verbleib im Artikel,-
Two further cases concerned sea elephants from the Kerguelen islands. In the case of 2006 no more information about the future could be found,
...während Cyril im August 2007 die mauritische Öffentlichkeit 3 Wochen in Atem hielt und ihm gleich ein französisches Schiff zu seinem Rücktransport zur Verfügung gestellt wurde! Auch wenn es bei 'unserem' Seehund keine solch spektakulären Interventionen gab und es sich nun auch nicht um einen Seeelefanten handelte, wünschen wir ihm dennoch alles Gute und vielleicht eine ähnlich lustvolle Wiedersehensfeier wie bei den berühmten 3 Tenören auf unterem Foto!-
...while in August 2007 Cyril was 3 weeks long subject of public interest in Mauritius until even transportation back to Kerguelen was organized and provided by a French vessel! Although 'our' seal did not cause such spectacular interventions and although not being a sea elephant, we wish it well, hoping it will even have a similar welcome back party as on the famous photo of the 3 tenores!
Achtung: alle Links führen zu Artikeln in frz. Sprache!- Note:All links will lead to articles in French!
Fotofunde: Ian Watt (1+2), L'Express/Cyril, Jerzy Strzelecki/Die 3 Tenöre
Und here you find the site of the Seal Conservation Society with lots of contact links of NGOs which look after stranded seals. Mauritius Wildlife Foundation is mentioned here but in the case of Fokette it was Reef Conservation Mauritius. So in case of stranded seals in your area, please try to find out whether there is one NGO in the vicinity which might help .
Here the promised update about the seal. As we have learned today by a representative of Shoals Rodrigues, the seal is not any longer in the lagoon. They too have spotted the seal some days ago and found it more active, even defending itself when they wanted to approach it. Before leaving the Rodriguan coast, it was spotted for the last time near Ile Coco... all together not bad news! It rests to hope that the injuries and the wrong track will not affect the seal's survival and that it gets somehow back to where it belong, in the Antarctic polar region, some 3800 south from Rodrigues!
Ein wenig Erinnerungsarbeit und Googeln, brachten noch folgendes zu Tage: Auch in Mauritius gab es in den letzten Jahren, immer in den Monaten August und September, Fälle von gestrandeten Robben.-
A little brain squeezing and google surfing lead to some more information: Mauritius too had cases of stranded seals during the last years, always in the months of August and September.

For example 'Fokette', a 14 to 16 months old seal cub that obviously had lost its group and due to strong anticyclones it must have been driven to Mauritius. With the help of some ONGs and sponsors, Fokette could be flown in to a special project for stranded seals in South Africa.

Two further cases concerned sea elephants from the Kerguelen islands. In the case of 2006 no more information about the future could be found,

...while in August 2007 Cyril was 3 weeks long subject of public interest in Mauritius until even transportation back to Kerguelen was organized and provided by a French vessel! Although 'our' seal did not cause such spectacular interventions and although not being a sea elephant, we wish it well, hoping it will even have a similar welcome back party as on the famous photo of the 3 tenores!

Fotofunde: Ian Watt (1+2), L'Express/Cyril, Jerzy Strzelecki/Die 3 Tenöre
Und here you find the site of the Seal Conservation Society with lots of contact links of NGOs which look after stranded seals. Mauritius Wildlife Foundation is mentioned here but in the case of Fokette it was Reef Conservation Mauritius. So in case of stranded seals in your area, please try to find out whether there is one NGO in the vicinity which might help .
Ein Seehund in Rodrigues - a seal in Rodrigues...
Letzten Mittwoch entdeckten Fischer in der Lagune einen offenbar verirrten und verletzten Seehund in der Lagune. Einige Angestellte von Fisheries Department machten sich auf den Weg um zu sehen, ob man dem Seehund helfen konnte, wieder zurück hinters Riff zu kommen. Doch leider ließ sich der offenbar schon ältere Seehund nicht überzeugen, was möglicherweise auch an seinen Verletzungen lag. - Last Wednesday a seal was discovered in the lagoon by local fishermen, obviously injured and on the wrong track. Some empoyees of Fisheries tried to find out what could be done to help the poor creature to get back in higher waters behind the reef. Unfortunately the seal could not be convinced what was probably caused by the injuries.
Er wirkte zumeist müde und matt, was wohl auch kein Wunder ist, denn Rodrigues liegt normalerweise nicht auf seiner Strecke. Es ist nicht der erste Seehund hier, einige erinnern sich an 2 oder 3 ähnliche Vorkommnisse in den 70er und 80er Jahren, doch da waren die betroffenen Tiere nicht verletzt und fanden den Weg wieder heraus.- He seemed most of the time lethargic and tired, no wonder as Rodrigues is usually not on the inner map of seals. But it is not the first one here, some people recalled 2 or 3 similar events in the 70ies and 80ies but back then the animals concerned were not injured and could be helped to find their way out.
Woher die Verletzungen stammen, darüber kann nur gemutmaßt werden. Möglicherweise ist er an die Haken von einem Longlineausleger geraten. Sollten wir noch mehr über diesen Seehund in Erfahrung bringen können, werden wir selbstverständlich berichten. - The origin of its injuries remain unclear, it can only be speculated about. Maybe the seal got hooked by the equipment of a longliner. We will keep you updated, should we get more infos.
Ein paar Fotos von James Castel finden sich hier, find here some photos of James Castel/RRA.



Welcome in Rodrigues! - Ein neues Team im Rodrigues Tourism Office...
Hier in diesem kolonialen und geschichtsträchtigen Ambiente des ehemaligen Gouvernor's House im Zentrum von Port Mathurin, werden seit dem 1. Juli 2008 Rodrigues-Besucher von einem neuen 5-köpfigen Team willkommen geheißen. Auskünfte zu Unterbringung, Exkursionen und allem Wissenswerten zu unserer Insel können hier erfragt werden. Seit ein paar Monaten gibt es zum Mitnehmen auch einen kostenlosen Plan der Insel. - Since July 2008 Rodrigues visitors are welcomed by a new team of five employees in the Rodrigues Tourism Office. Here in the colonial and historic athmosphere of the old Governours's House in the centre of Port Mathurin visitors will get all kind of information concerning accomodation, excursions and whatever will help you to discover the island, free map included.
Ein neues Team stellt sich vor (v.l.n.r.) - Find here the new team...from left to right:
Carine Prosper, Marianna Meunier, Sandrine Pierre,Kisna Gaspard und Clife Tolbize
Kisna Gaspard und Clife Tolbize empfangen Sie am Informationstisch, die anderen 3 Damen sind zuständig für die touristische Promotion der Insel. Sandrine Pierre hat in Mauritius ein Tourismus Studium absolviert, Mariana Meunier ist als Einzige bereits seit mehr als anderthalb Jahren im Tourism Office dabei und somit wie Carine Prosper, die das Office leitet, ein alter Hase in diesem Metier. Carine Prosper dürften viele noch kennen aus der Zeit von 'Ecotourisme', wo sie sich im Bereich Tourismus einen Namen gemacht hat, als Deutsche besonders geschätzt wegen der Möglichkeit auch in der deutschen Muttersprache reden zu können. -
Kisna Gaspard and Clife Tolbize will be pleased to help you at the information desk, the other 3 ladies are responsible for the promotion of the island. Sandrine Pierre joined the office after her tourism studies in Mauritius, Marianna Meunier is the only one who has already been working in the office for more than one and a half year and can therefore be counted with her experience as an oldie concerning tourism similar to Carine Prosper who is in charge of the office. Some Rodrigues visitors might still know Carine from her time at 'Ecotourisme', a local tour operator where she has made herself a name in the tourism sector. Guests from Germany will certainly appreciate the possibility to talk to her in her German mother tongue.
Das Tourism Office wurde im Oktober 2006 eingeweiht, seitdem gibt es auch eine Website, die in der Linkliste rechts angeklickt werden kann. Werktags ist das Büro von morgens 8.00 bis 16.00 geöffnet, samstags von 8.00 bis 12.00. E-Mail Anfragen werden ebenfalls gern beantwortet. - The office was inaugurated in October 2006 and can be visited during the week from 8 am to 4 pm, on Saturdays from 8 am to noon. A web site was launched in 2006 too and can be found in the right link list of the blog. E-mail inquiries can be mailed to:
Carine Prosper, Marianna Meunier, Sandrine Pierre,Kisna Gaspard und Clife Tolbize
Kisna Gaspard and Clife Tolbize will be pleased to help you at the information desk, the other 3 ladies are responsible for the promotion of the island. Sandrine Pierre joined the office after her tourism studies in Mauritius, Marianna Meunier is the only one who has already been working in the office for more than one and a half year and can therefore be counted with her experience as an oldie concerning tourism similar to Carine Prosper who is in charge of the office. Some Rodrigues visitors might still know Carine from her time at 'Ecotourisme', a local tour operator where she has made herself a name in the tourism sector. Guests from Germany will certainly appreciate the possibility to talk to her in her German mother tongue.
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